If you’re the owner/an admin of the account, you can set up authorization rules for various account actions. As an example, for payouts, you can set different thresholds for no authorisations required, requiring one authorization, or requiring two authorizations. These rules allow you to efficiently carry out your internal financial processes and increase the security of your account.
- Click on “My account” on the top navigation bar

- Scroll to “My team“

- On the “My team” page, navigate to the “Authorisation rules“
- You can edit or remove rules for different account activities
Take transfer rules as an example:
Under the setting below, any transfer below the amount of 500 GBP can be executed without authorisations. Any transfer between the amount of 500 GBP and 1,000 GBP requires level 1 authorisation. Any transfer above 1,000 GBP requires level 1 and level 2 authorizations.
- To keep your account secure, these changes can only be activated with two-factor authentication (2FA) by a user who is an owner or marked as an administrator
- Once the verification is done, changes are effective immediately and will apply to future payments