Earn a AUD200 bonus on your supplier payments


Fast. Secure. Cost-efficient. And designed with your business goals in mind.

Help & Support

Learn how to get the most out of your World Account.

About Us

Learn more about WorldFirst and our brands.

Clear, competitive pricing

Grow your business with great rates and low fees – the World Account has no ongoing account charges either, so you can keep more of what your business makes.


Easier, faster business with our local currency accounts, opened for free within minutes.

Multi-currency accounts:

Open up to 10 local currency accounts, including USD, GBP, AUD, HKD, SGD and more


Monthly account fees:

Our account is free to open and we don’t charge any ongoing fees


Xero integration:

Connect to Xero to reduce accounting admin and reconciliation


Phone/chat/email support:

Access a team of international payment and currency specialists based in Australia


Currency conversion and making payments

Maximise your returns with market-leading FX rates and low FX fees.

Payments fees:

Payments fees vary by currency


International 1688 buyers

Up to 0.8%

Payments to World Accounts:

Instant payments between World Accounts anywhere


Currency conversions:

Competitive FX rates for all major currencies – major currencies include USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD, JPY

Up to 0.6%

For businesses with AU$100,000+ monthly FX volume we can tailor our fees to help you send more and save more. Contact us to find out more about our pricing for higher payment volumes.

Receiving payments

Get paid like a local without the need for an international bank account or overseas address.

Receive funds:

Collect payments from over 100+ marketplaces and businesses from around the world


Hold funds in multiple currencies:

Get account details for up to 10 different currencies and hold funds until you’re ready to withdraw or make a payment


Businesses Trust WorldFirst

What our customers say