Hold 10 currencies within 1 multicurrency account, based in Singapore: AUD, CAD, CNY, EUR, GBP, HKD, JPY, NZD, SGD, USD
Monthly fees
Receiving payments
Get paid like a local without the need for an international bank account or overseas address.
Receive funds
Collect payments from global businesses and over 130 marketplaces and payment gateways
Hold funds in multiple currencies
Hold your funds and send to 90+ different currencies when you're ready to make a withdrawal or payment
Making payments
Maximise your returns with our cost-effective fees.
SWIFT and Non-SWIFT Payments
Up to 3.0%
Payments to other World Accounts
Instant payments between World Accounts anywhere
available in 12 currencies
Payments to sourcing platforms
Make seamless and instant payments to 1688.com and TaoWorld
*For full value transfers, there will be a 3% fee (or USD 20, whichever is greater) charged
Additional services
Accounting integration
Connect to Xero or Oracle NetSuite to reduce accounting admin and reconciliation
Phone/ chat/ email support
Get in touch with our customer service team every step of the way
Additional users
Grant access and permissions to multiple team members
If your businesses turnover exceeds USD 100,000 per month, we can further tailor our fees to help you send more and save more. Contact us to learn how.