Last month, WorldFirst and a range of eCommerce experts from every part of the online selling lifecycle teamed up in a five-part webinar series to help online sellers identify solutions to their biggest challenges. We heard from some of the very best in the industry including Avask Accounting, E-Gistics, GS1 UK, Intercultural Elements, Linnworks, FeedbackExpress and We are Pentagon. If you missed it or want to listen again, you can check out all five webinars below.

Webinar 1 
Navigating the challenges selling internationally, we’re joined by experts from all companies focusing on helping online sellers understand how to deliver incremental growth through international sales.

Webinar 2 
Improving online sellers Amazon feedback with FeedbackExpress and we spotlight inventory management and pricing strategies with Linnworks.

Webinar 3 

Spotlight on demystifying product identifiers & successful brand strategies in a new market, with GS1 UK and We Are Pentagon.

Webinar 4
Spotlight on logistics and a focus on language, localisation and other vital components of selling abroad, with E-Gistics and InterCultural Elements.

Webinar 5 
Spotlight on international accounting, VAT & foreign exchange, with Avask Accounting and WorldFirst.

For more help on international marketplaces and kickstart your online selling business now, feel free to get in touch with our online selling team at WorldFirst.