It’s been a busy summer for mini-multinationals.  The UK has lost and gained a Prime Minister, seen the pound have what you might call ‘a bit of a wobble’ and some vote happened that no one talked about.

So for our summer edition of Global Ambitions magazine, we take a look at what all this change means for business looking at where Brexit leaves us and how UK SMEs are protecting themselves from the resulting uncertainty. And with volatility still likely to be a factor in markets, we examine how forwards could be the ideal tool for businesses and what SMEs can learn from asset managers.

It’s not all to do with Europe though and in this edition, we think global looking at opportunities for e-commerce in Japan and tips for UK SME’s looking to do business in South Korea. Finally, as businesses across the world prepare for a future of uncertainty, we flag up the 6 things that might have the greatest bearing on currency markets over the next 6 months.

For expert insight into the outlook for mini-multinationals, download Global Ambitions now.
