Are you an online seller? Looking to expand your business, get some advice or meet similar businesses in your position to share ideas and best practice?

Well, mark your diary for October as WorldFirst’s Online Seller Cellar is coming to a city near you.

We started with a bang in Manchester and now in October, we’re headed to Birmingham, London and Newcastle.

What’s the Online Seller Cellar

It’s a meet-up of local and ambitious online marketplace sellers. Growing your online selling business can be a solitary and isolating job, but with thousands of small businesses and sole traders selling on marketplaces across the world, it really doesn’t have to be that way. We want to bring that community together.

What can I expect?

An informative but relaxed evening of networking, drinks and nibbles with the WorldFirst online selling team and a few of the businesses we work with. You’ll also hear from local heroes who have built a mini-empire from their online business and learn how you can do the same.

So if you’re running or managing and online marketplace business- or you want to –  join us and become part of the ever growing community of coffee shop CEOs and do more with your online business.

Great! Where do I sign up?

Choose the date and location that works for you and sign up through Eventbrite  for free below!

Psst! Get in now – places are limited