Over two nights in Sydney and Melbourne we brought together a range of our partners who can help online sellers become more successful, addressing their top challenges.

Top tips from each presenter

On the evening we heard from a wide spectrum of speakers, ranging from finance experts to representatives from marketplaces and platforms. Below are some key takeaways from both events.

Reload Media
Focus on your online customer experience, are you answering all the potential questions your clients have? A great user experience will be rewarded with improved conversions and is highly valued by Google. Also, don’t forget about re-targeting website visitors, this is low hanging fruit!

Dolman Bateman
Don’t be one of the estimated 3.2 million sellers who don’t have inventory in FBA warehouses. Cash flow is key, so don’t expand too quickly, price your items correctly and always have inventory!

Online Sellers Insurance
Remember as an Amazon seller you are often deemed to be the manufacture of your products and that Amazon requires up to $1 million in product liability insurance, so make sure you have the right cover in place.

Currency fluctuations can severely impact your profitability in an already price competitive market, so use local currency receiving accounts, stay up-to-date with currency markets and consider products that increase certainty.

Trade Me
Why aren’t you selling in New Zealand? A country which has one of the fewest barriers to entry in the world, is English speaking and has a marketplace that dominates the retail space in New Zealand. Trade Me is one of the most trusted brands in New Zealand and is amongst the top 10 most visited sites!

Sell everywhere your customers buy! A Shopify website is incredibly easy to build, is compatible with a range of marketplaces and has thousands of easy-to-use apps which can take your site to the next level. Once you’re a large seller, Shopify Plus will launch you to the top of your category.

Retail Revolution & ShelfTrend

It’s all about competitor insights. Identify who they are, learn from them, understand their strategy and identify supply gaps. Tools like ShelfTrend are incredibly cost effective and deliver great value to your eBay business.

Sell Global
Don’t waste your time spinning your wheels while trying to learn how to sell globally on Amazon! Find reliable resources and courses that will catapult you into the successful world of Amazon selling as quickly and effectively as possible.

Don’t believe any negative press regarding Amazon Australia. Their sales figures have been comparable with some retailers who have been here for decades and following the launch of FBA warehouses and Amazon Prime, we will continue to see them increase their market share.



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